Friday, March 15, 2013

Teachers Cause Sickness

                When I say that I don’t get sick very often, I mean it. Up until this past year I would only catch a cold about once a year, if that. But then life got busy between school, work, extracurricular activities, and homework- sleep got pushed out the window. Instead of getting eight or nine hours of sleep a night, I’m down to six or seven (if I’m lucky). It has been medically proven that sleep deprivation affects your immune system. Awesome, right? Now that I’m no longer getting enough sleep (ever), I’ve been getting sick more often. It really sucks, in case you were wondering.

                Teachers always encourage us to take challenging classes and push ourselves outside of the comfort zone we have for learning. Well guess what. The challenging classes they push us so much to take have a shit ton of homework. I’m sorry, but last time I checked the words “Spring Break” meant “time to lay around or go on vacation or do whatever the heck you want to do” not “hey there is an extra week of time you should have free to do even more homework!” Take a hint teachers: do NOT assign homework the Friday before Spring Break. Bad idea. I hope teachers realize that homework doesn’t get done as well as it otherwise would have on a normal school night. Most of us (and by most I mean all except those who don’t have lives outside of school) wait until Sunday night to finish all of our homework, which means we only have a short amount of time to complete all the bullshit y’all want us to have perfected by Monday morning. And then teachers get mad when we come back from break and don’t have everything ready and perfect for them. Sucks to suck, teachers. Maybe you shouldn’t have assigned anything in the first place, considering half of us are planning on turning our assignments in late.

                Some of us also have jobs because our parents want to teach us respect and discipline; basically it’s just their fancy way of saying they don’t want to pay for our stuff so if we want it we have to cough up the money. I’m working fifty eight hours over Spring Break simply because I have bills to pay. Sleep doesn’t fit into the agenda when there is work to be done. But I didn’t just want my Spring Break to be all about work, I wanted to hang out with friends as well. Three sleepovers later, I’ll be down to almost no sleep, I’ll have made my cold even worse, and I still won’t have my homework done.

                Dear teachers: don’t assign homework over Spring Break. Some of us have responsibilities that need to come first, others just want to go on vacation and spend time with their families. But part of that time is taken away. Why? Because they have a pile of homework stacked in the corner of their room waiting to be completed but being completely ignored until next Sunday night.


(510 words)

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