Monday, January 14, 2013

Kill 'em with Kindness

                Have you ever worked so hard for something, you would’ve done anything for that one thing, but because of someone else you fell short and didn’t get what you were aiming for? Well Monday, you did it. I didn’t think you would, but you did. You actually made yourself get worse.

                Before I begin, I want to point out that this post isn’t a complete rant, it actually serves a purpose. See if you can figure out what it is.

                I’ve been working at a movie theatre for about two and a half months now, and my boss messaged a bunch of us that he was looking to promote a couple of people. I thought for sure I would get it, as I have been working my butt off, getting the job done to his standards, taking extra shifts, helping out when needed, and doing what I was asked to do when I was asked to do it. But no. Today when the schedules came out, I saw that two of my coworkers have been promoted… Not me. One of them I already knew would get the raise- she is a good worker, she doesn’t complain, and she gets the job done. I’m actually happy she got the promotion. The other worker that got promoted however has complained about the job since day one, even mentioned to me (twice) that she was looking for another job because she hated working at a movie theatre that much. But she is the one who got promoted. So what was she doing that got her the promotion?

                I realize from my side of the story it sounds like I’m making myself look better than her, but that’s kind of the point in an argument- to make yourself look better in order to win the debate. I also realize that I probably sound insanely jealous right now- which makes sense because I am completely jealous. Right now I am a confused, pissed off, jealous teenage girl who wishes her boss would open his eyes and see how hard she works.

                All in all, this Monday has been worse than my usual Mondays, mainly because of this whole work atrocity. The more I think about it, the more hurt and angry I get. Sometimes life isn’t fair, but I guess that’s where the phrase “grin and bear it” comes from. My mom said that the best way to look at this situation isn’t to go to work being pissed at the world and showing my frustration and anger to my coworkers. She said I should just kill them with kindness, and then they’ll have to notice my work ethic and promote me eventually. We’ll see what happens, I guess.


(454 words)

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