Sunday, January 27, 2013

Motivational Cough Drops

                Don’t you just love cold and flu season? I know I do… NOT. I absolutely hate this time of year, when everyone is getting sick and passing germs to each other. It’s gross, and disgusting, and I hate it.

                Being a volunteer at St. Luke’s Emergency Dept, I see it all. I’ve seen some pretty nasty things in my day, but nothing is more disturbing than when a mother brings in her child with a little tiny cough and is freaking out about it. Your child has a cold. You can go buy some cough drops and deal with it. There’s not a whole lot else we can do for you here, ma’am.

                I also hate the sound of people sniffling and blowing their nose. If I’m in the middle of taking a test, I should be able to concentrate. But no. Instead I am sitting there, completely irritated, because I can’t finish reading one question without someone in the background *sniff* *cough, cough*. By the way, if you really need to blow your nose, please do it in a respectful and quiet manner. For example: If you are incapable of blowing your nose quietly, take yourself and the box of tissues, and make your way into the hallway- as far away from me as possible. If you are so sick that you must start trumpeting like an elephant to get rid of all your snot, than you probably shouldn’t even be at school in the first place.

                Last but not least: If you are sick, do NOT make out with your boyfriend. The whole point of “not spreading germs” is to, I don’t know, NOT spread germs. Shoving your tongue down someone else’s throat is just going to make the whole situation worse. P.S. to whoever the couple is that loves to slurp each other in front of my locker: I don’t like you.

                I would like to point out that I am currently sick right now. Thanks to whoever it was that gave me this excellent cold- really you gave me a good one. The whole stuffy nose, cough thing- priceless. Oh and then you even managed to sneak in the whole “losing your voice after a week of sickness” thing. Really appreciated that one. I guess the only good thing about being sick is that I have an excuse to read those Halls cough drop motivational wrappers; they make me think like I’ve got my life together, even when I feel like crap because of you sick people.


(423 words)

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