Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Commercial Free

                You know what I really hate? Commercials. I know I’m not the only one out there who hates commercials- and if I am, y’all are liars. It’s not just the commercials you see on T.V, but also the commercials over the radio, on billboards, and anywhere else you might see or hear them. They are absolutely everywhere, which is kind of ridiculous. I understand that people are trying to make their products and services known, but it’s kind of a bad thing for me to say that I see advertisement every single place I go.

                If I go to my grandparent’s house: ads are on T.V. They are also on the billboards on the road to my grandparent’s house. If I go to school: ads follow our daily announcements on Channel 1 news. If I go to work: ads fill the big screens at the theatre I work at. Posters are also hung on the walls for local upcoming events. Advertisements are everywhere, and I think it’s kind of stupid.

                If I can’t even go to work without seeing advertisements, where can I go that doesn’t have any ads? Think about it: where was the last place you went that didn’t have any advertising? I was thinking it might have been camping, but on the drive to our campground we saw a thousand different ads plastered on billboard after billboard. Mile after mile after mile is covered in billboards, so where can you go without advertisements, and without seeing any on the way there? It’s a tough question to think about, because there really aren’t any perfect answers.

                I think the one place I can go to escape ads is my backyard. No one is trying to sell me anything when I’m swimming in my pool, reading a book on the back stoop, or helping my mom pick tomatoes from the garden. It’s the one place I can go and not worry about what fancy items I will be tempted to buy, which is very refreshing.


(336 words)

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