Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Nights

                My favorite part of Fridays is getting to go home, sit on my couch, and do absolutely nothing. I don’t have to do homework, I don’t have to go to work right away, I just get to sit around and relax. That’s always the best feeling.

                On the other hand, the worst feeling: Sunday night. We’ve all been there before. Y’all know what I’m talking about? The Sunday night dread? It’s basically the worst thing ever; actually I don’t mean that, but for the sake of this blog, I mean it. After a long weekend of hanging out with friends, shopping, working, whatever it is that you do with your weekend, you have to come home and finish the crap-ton of homework you were assigned for the weekend. Sunday nights include: homework, homework, oh and homework. For procrastinators like me, Sunday nights are even worse than you’d think. All of our projects, essays, packets, and note taking are pushed aside or skimmed or half-assed until Sunday night. That’s when fingers literally fly across the keyboard, penmanship becomes illegible, and eyes droop a little lower with each passing hour kept away from their pillow and forced to stay open and focused on homework.

                If you’re like me, your parents made you get a job to pay for all your expenses. For those of us involved in extracurricular activities, working during the weekdays doesn’t exactly fit in the schedule, so you are left with working on the weekend. I have worked every single weekend for the last six months, and I can easily tell you that my homework has not been getting done the way it used to. Back before my weekends were filled, I used to spend as much time as I wanted on homework, to make sure it was excellent and would get me an A. Now I do my homework to get it done, hoping it was done right.

                Sunday nights create a lot of pressure for me. I’m sure I’m not the only person out there who stresses out a little (or a lot) when Sunday night rolls around. Just remember to do your best, and try to keep your eyes open. Splash some water on your face and suck it up. You can do this- you are better than dumb homework.


(384 words)

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