Thursday, April 11, 2013


                I firmly believe that everyone out there in the world has a small obsession. Whether it be an inanimate object, a person, a thing, some other form of noun that I don’t have the right words to describe; you’ve got an obsession with something. Everybody does.

                I will even admit to the world that I have a few obsessions. To name a few: movies, Josh Hutcherson, music, Luke Bryan, my purple “Just Drew It” bracelet, Victoria’s Secret perfume, shoes, polka dots… The list goes on and on and on and on, but I’ll keep it to a minimum.

                I’m curious though as to what others are obsessed with (and by obsessed I mean you just tend to gravitate towards the things you really like, not obsessed as in you have a restraining order from being too creepy or something). Are we similar in our obsessions or are they completely different? I’d like to think I’m not the only one who is obsessed with something as simple as polka dots, but what do I know.

                While I was at work recently, there were a couple of kids that ran by arguing about which flavor of seasoning to put on their popcorn. (I work at a movie theatre, in case you were wondering). One of the kids was willing to go with whatever the other kid wanted, which was a good thing because this kid was literally obsessed with nacho cheddar seasoning. He stood there for a solid five minutes making sure every piece of popcorn looked like it had enough nacho cheddar seasoning on it. Am I the only one that found that obsession weird? Nacho cheddar seasoning? I guess I don’t really have room to talk about weird obsessions, but I don’t think obsessions are supposed to start at that young of an age.

                Whatever your obsession, or if you’re like me obsessions, own it. Don’t be creepy about it, just make it known to the world what you like and maybe they will surprise you someday with something random that involves your obsession.


(344 words)

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