Monday, September 10, 2012

Bad Case of the Mondays

                It’s Monday, which means everyone is tired and cranky. No one wants to go to school or work, we all just want to stay home in our pajamas and stuff our faces with junk food while watching our favorite movies. Unless you’re one of those crazy Monday-loving people, I just described you pretty accurately. Yet here I am, blogging- actually trying to be productive. Maybe I’m being productive because I’m in school and the teacher can see what I’m doing, maybe because I don’t want to do this assignment later tonight, whatever the reason is I’m doing it.

                I’ve always wondered why people hated Mondays, myself included. I think it’s because you actually have to do what needs to be done; it’s not the weekend anymore, you have to get off your butt and fix what needs to be fixed, or finish what has been started.  Mondays are like the start of school, just in a shorter time frame. No kid wants school to start after a great summer- who wants a Monday to start after a great weekend? Mondays create the “summer is over” feeling, but they don’t just do it once a year. Mondays make the sad, why-does-school-have-to-start feeling every single weekend. That’s 32 times per school year Mondays upset 99.9% of students (I made the percent up, I have no idea what the true number is).

                The worst part of Monday is getting up in the morning. When my alarm went off this morning, I slammed my hand down on the snooze button, just like every other morning. Except this time I missed the snooze button and hit the radio button, which caused a sudden blaring of noise through the peaceful quiet of my sleeping house. Do you think the radio could have been playing a song, though? Nope. It blared commercials until I could find the button to shut it off. I went back to bed after that, thinking I still deserved my Monday morning sleep. My half-awake self had turned off the alarm, missed the snooze button, and fallen back asleep. Needless to say, I woke up with 15 minutes before I had to leave for school. Ouch.

                Mondays. One of life’s greatest hardships (almost as bad as starvation or natural disasters… imagine if a natural disaster happened on a Monday… Double Ouch.). Mondays are just a horrible way to start a fantastic week. And who knows- maybe one of these Mondays something amazing will happen to you (maybe you’ll win the lottery, maybe you’ll buy a magic pet fish, maybe the school lunch will have good food) but whatever it is, I hope your Mondays end up better than mine.


(446 words)

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