I mentioned in my last Monday blog post, I recently got a job. Yesterday was my
first day as an usher at a movie theatre, and I think it went well! For five
hours I did one of four things:
I sweep up all the popcorn and crap our
moviegoers dropped everywhere. This includes the popcorn in the lobby, the
leftover pieces of paper towel off the bathroom floor, and every single thing
anyone left on the floor of the theatre itself. I’ll be the first to admit that
when I go to the movies, I always leave something behind- a napkin, popcorn
kernels, whatever it may be. I will never do that again. I now know what it’s
like for the workers to clean up after slobs like me. Pick up your trash
people- common courtesy.
I work the ticket…table? I’m not really sure how
to describe this but I’ll do my best. There is someone who takes your money and
prints off your tickets (which is not me) and then there is the person who rips
the nice perforated edges of the tickets for you (that’s what I did). The first
time I did the whole ticket-ripping thing was during the rush. Saturday
afternoons are always the busiest (I’ve been told- I wouldn’t know, I’ve only
worked one day) and the wave of people almost astonishing. But don’t worry
guys, I did a good job.
I take out the trash. Sounds lovely doesn’t it?
After we (the ushers) go through and clean up the mess all you moviegoers left
behind, we have to take out the garbage. I think the boys I work with were more
than happy to make me take out the trash… It’s not the highlight of my job. But
hey, I’m making money right?
Watching movies. Yupp. I get paid to sit in the
theatre and watch movies. After the wave of people come in and settle down in
their respected theatres, it’s the ushers’ job to make sure they aren’t using
their cellular devices and things like that. We only stay in the theatre for
ten to fifteen minutes, but come on I’m basically getting paid to hop from
movie to movie.
That’s basically
my job! It sounds pretty easy doesn’t it? Well guess what. It is. I also get to
see movies for free- whenever I want, there’s no limit to how many movies I get
in free to see! Discounted concessions come with this amazing package deal, and
I can bring two or three other friends in for free as well! Next time you go
the movies, remember to pick up your napkins and popcorn tubs- it makes our
jobs a lot easier. If you don’t want to pick up after yourself, try becoming an
usher and see how you feel after that- trust me, your whole perspective on
movies changes…actually it really doesn’t but I thought that would add a nice
touch to the end of this story. If you love movies as much as I do, working in
the movie theatre business is right for you.
(522 words)