Monday, we meet again. I’m still not fond of you, just in case you were
wondering. You have yet to prove to me that you can be perfect. Today was
obviously not that Monday. Thanks a lot- I really appreciate it. Truly, I do…not.
I’ve told you in previous blog posts that my alarm clock was broken, it was
still usable. I thought the alarm clock situation couldn’t get any worse; I
spoke too soon. The dang thing was just a pain in the butt to use, and this
morning (or last night) it officially broke- beyond the point of being a pain
in my butt. Usually if you hit the buttons hard enough they would work, but
apparently now they just stick together and don’t work at all. My mom had to
wake me up this morning, and she woke me up at the exact time I usually leave
my house to go to school. Yeah. Lovely, right? In case you were curious, I was
not late to school- I made it with thirty two seconds to spare. Take that
this fine Monday morning progressed, I had two pop quizzes. I guess one of them
really wasn’t a pop quiz because she told us about it on Friday…but I didn’t
study for it, and forgot all about it. Oops. To be sure this never happens to
you, write down when you are going to have quizzes, and study just in case they
randomly pop up- you don’t want to be like me and forget about them.
thought at least this Monday would get better at lunch, but no. Lunch was gross
today; it was walking cheeseburgers. They had good intentions with that one-
with the Frito chips, meat, nacho cheese, and lettuce- but it fell flat. The
meat really didn’t look like meat- it kind of looked like dog chow meets baby
food. All in all, I didn’t eat lunch today; stupid Monday.
but not least, I came home after school thinking I didn’t have a ton of
homework to do, and sat my depressed butt on the couch only to realize I had to
help make dinner. (This depression was temporary, as it was Monday-induced). I
managed to miss a good chunk of the Ellen DeGeneres show, which happens to be
my personal favorite talk show.
Monday, Monday. I strongly dislike you, and I hope you know it. My alarm clock
only breaks on Mondays, pop quizzes frequently fall on Mondays, I didn’t eat
lunch on this Monday, and I missed part of Ellen on this Monday. Thank you
Monday, for all these divine events; no really, I appreciate it. I can’t wait
to see what you’ve got planned for next week.
(461 words)
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