Monday, December 17, 2012

Woah, Just a Monday

Dear People,

                Oh my gosh, you guys. If the apocalypse really does happen on Friday, this will be my last Monday post ever. That is a really depressing thought, you know? If y’all have enjoyed reading my Monday posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them, this is a big moment for us. I mean really, this could potentially be the last Monday post I ever write… What if we really do die on Friday? Less than a week from now, we could be non-existent. Not that I believe in all of this, but there is always “what if” scenarios being thrown around. I guess I should start my Monday post with some of the things I am proud to say I have done in my life.

                First off, I want to thank all of you who read my Monday posts (or any of my posts really, but sticking to the subject, particularly my Monday posts). I’ve had a few people mention to me that my Monday tragedies always leave them laughing and excited to hear what happens to me next week. Really, people, I live to write of my Monday monstrosities so that y’all can laugh and joke around about them.

                The second thing on my list to say before I die on Friday is that I am so proud to have donated blood successfully- on a Monday, no less! Thank you to all who were there for me every step of my donation process (aka: my mom…she’s the only one that was with me every single donation). Those of you who told me to give up after my second donation attempt, those of you who told me I wasn’t cut out for blood donation, and those of you who promised to laugh at me when I passed out at school after donating: thank you. Without all of you, I never would have had the courage to prove all of you wrong and achieve victory in something that meant so much to me.

                Thirdly: I think school should just not happen for the rest of this week- I mean really, people. I could still really use a nap (or two…or a dozen). And I’m not talking like some weak little have-assed ten minute nap either; no, no, no. I’m talkin’ the My-alarm-is-shoved-under-my-grandma’s-uncle’s-dog’s-pet-goldfish’s-mattress type of nap. You know, the really, really, really        good ones.

                Last, but not least, I want to say how glad I am to have been alive (I promise that that line sounded a lot less cheesy in my head). But I’m serious- I am so glad that I was given the chance to live, and make mistakes. All of the people I have met- even the ones that really piss me off (including you, Monday)- have made my life what it is today, and I am so thankful for that. Yeah, Monday, I did just say I was thankful for you. If we live through this apocalypse, you better take it easy on me next week.

                And as much as I hate to admit it, one of the things I’m going to miss the most (if I die… which I seriously doubt is going to happen) are my Monday posts. Believe it or not, Mondays- though terrible to me each week- have been some of the greatest things ever, and I will be sad to see them go…you know if I end up dead in four days.


Until next week (maybe),

(578 words)

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